About Mark Masonry
The United Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Victoria

A Message from our Grand Master
Greetings everyone,
As Grand Master of Mark Master Masons of Victoria and Grand Commander of Royal Ark Mariners of Victoria I welcome you to the online presence of the United Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Victoria, the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners of Victoria and the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Victoria.
Mark Masonry continues the Masonic narrative of the first three degrees of Freemasonry and promotes the principles of supporting and defending our fellow man, perseverance and seeking positive attributes in everyone we meet.
Craft masons will find a Mark Master Masons’ lodge a familiar place. The layout is similar, as is the list of officers, albeit with a few extras.
The ceremonial will be familiar to Craft Masons but adds a further dimension to the ceremonial of the Craft degrees and extends the learnings of the second and third degrees.
In Mark Masonry the candidate has a very active part to play in the ceremonial. He is also entrusted with his own mark, much as has been the case with operative masons for over a thousand years.
The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner Masons is a degree often attached to Mark Masonry. In England the degree has been under that Grand Mark’s jurisdiction since 1871.
This association appears to have been formalised by the historic purchase of the Degree by the Grand Master of Mark Master Masons in England for £25 on the 10th of June 1884.

Pauline and Most Worshipful Brother Ron Goodburn
In Victoria, we followed the English precedent and the Degree is attached to the United Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Victoria. The Grand Master of Mark Master Masons is also the Grand Commander of Royal Ark Mariners.
The degree is considered by many to pre-date the Craft degrees and could well have its origins in the old passion plays of Europe.
Royal Ark Mariners explore a Masonic narrative based on Noah and the building of the Ark.
This is in contrast to the Craft, Mark and Holy Royal Arch Chapter degrees which follow the narrative of Solomon and the building of the temples in Jerusalem.
Themes of shared human endeavour, responsibility to each other, and optimism in the face of adversity are explored while reminding us of five cardinal virtues.
I commend both Mark Masonry and Royal Ark Mariner Masonry to you and encourage you to
explore this site and to take further steps in Masonic knowledge and understanding.
Grand Master and Grand Commander.