Join The Mark

Read on and apply below

Joining The Mark

Take The Pathway

In most cases, you will have been invited to join the Mark by a member of that Mark or you will have approached a member of a Mark Lodge and asked him to propose you. Please don’t be shy about asking.
Your proposer will provide you with an Application for membership which he can obtain from his secretary.
Your proposer will hand your completed application form to the secretary who will give notice of it on the Summons.

A ballot will be held and, if successful, you will be admitted into the Mark Lodge.
Prior to the Ceremony you will be asked to sign a Declaration, in which you promise to follow the rules of the Order, and to pay the necessary dues.

Bring your own VSL if you would like to be obligated on it.
Ensure that regalia – an apron – has been arranged for you and that the apron has been adjusted to fit around your waist.

You will be accompanied every step of the way in the ceremony, by an Officer of the Lodge so all you need to do is relax and enjoy it.


You must be a Master Mason and a subscribing member in good standing of a Craft Lodge in Freemasonry Victoria or of a Craft Lodge under a jurisdiction recognised by Freemasonry Victoria; and

You must agree to conform to the Book of Constitution of the order.


Email Us

Get in touch with the Office of the Join Grand Secretariat.

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