About The Holy Royal Arch Chapter
Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Victoria

Most Eminent Companion Len Lacey, First Grand Principal
Welcome to our Chapter website,
I hope that you use it to learn about this wonderful order of Freemasonry and consider becoming a member.
The following are some of my thoughts on Freemasonry that I shared at my Installation into the chair of First Grand Principal.
What is the purpose of Freemasonry? As there is no official doctrine to rely on, each and every Brother and Companion is entitled to his own interpretation. When, as Grand Lecturer of this Order I would travel throughout the state speaking about the meaning of our ceremonies as I interpret them, I would often encounter a hunger for knowledge.
At the same time, however, I would find that a large number of our Companions had little idea of the meaning of what they were witnessing. They had not begun to formulate their own interpretation for their own inner spiritual development. We live in a world crying out for peace, stability, harmony and love, and where happiness is a commodity so very much in short supply. Yet, happiness is that which all human beings desire to possess. In the Craft Installation ceremony, we are reminded that the grand design of Freemasonry is the achieving of happiness and the communication of happiness to others. In all our Orders and Rites in Freemasonry the secret is the same – the discovery of the spiritual state of true happiness which can enable us to positively engage with the vicissitudes of life.
It is, therefore, imperative that all the Rites and Orders work together to achieve this, hence the title given to our Grand Installation weekend – “Together we Build”. Over the years a closer relationship has been developed between the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons and Supreme Grand Chapter.
MWBro Ron Goodburn and I have been friends for many years and it is our intention to work closely together and with our Brethren in Grand Craft and indeed with all the Other Orders in the family of Freemasonry for the advancement of Freemasonry in this State.
As your First Grand Principal it will be my aim to encourage as many of our Companions as possible to make a daily advancement in their masonic knowledge – to search for the secret that can indeed transform their lives.
To that end MEmComp John Ives has already established an Education Committee, chaired by VEmComp Rev Fred Shade to explore the practical ways as to how this can be achieved.
This committee is already working to that end in conjunction with the Membership Committee chaired by REmComp Peter White. I will give these committees all the assistance I am able to give.
MEm Comp L S Lacey
First Grand Principal

Mrs Anne Lacey & Most Eminent Companion Len Lacey
About Grand Chapter
Supreme Grand Chapter is the governing body of Royal Arch Masonry in Victoria and it holds Grand Convocations four times a year.
The Supreme Committee has an equivalent role in Royal Arch Masonry to the Board of General Purposes in Grand Craft.
In Victorian Royal Arch Masonry, the Most Eminent First Grand Principal or the Right Eminent Deputy First Grand Principal in conjunction with the Second Grand Principal, and Third Grand Principal leads the Grand Officers in the Ceremony of Installation in every Holy Royal Arch Chapter in the jurisdiction each year.
Given the number of Chapters in Victoria this makes for a demanding task. However, it has the decided advantage of allowing the Grand Principals and Grand Officers ample opportunity to meet a large proportion of the membership of the Order in their own Chapters.
First Grand Principals usually serve two years in office, the Second and Third Grand Principals serve one year. Their installation is an “Open” ceremony and Craft Masons and non-Masons, including ladies, are encouraged to attend the ceremony.
All other Masonic Rites as worked in Victoria and Delegations from Interstate and Overseas Grand Chapters together with our own Grand Craft and Grand Mark are usually in attendance.
In 1989 Supreme Grand Chapter began sharing its administration with Grand Mark. The Joint Secretariat company, Chamar Pty Ltd (CHApter/MARk) operates from offices at the Masonic Centre at 288 Victoria Parade.
The Grand Scribe Ezra is also the Grand Secretary of the Mark. Considerable benefits have accrued to both degrees by this “togetherness”.
By arrangement with the United Grand Lodge of Victoria, Holy Royal Arch Chapters are permitted to make official visits to Craft Lodges wearing HRA regalia.
While every seventh Craft Mason already belongs to the HRA, these visits nevertheless provide the window of opportunity to bring our Order to the notice of our Craft Brethren. By a similar arrangement, HRA jewels may be worn when in Mark regalia.
Charity, one of the cornerstones of our institution, is practised by both individual chapters and Supreme Grand Chapter.
In addition to donations to the Royal Freemasons Homes an ongoing programme called the “We Care” Appeal (in conjunction with Grand Mark) supports various charitable causes such as the Royal Children’s Hospital and bushfire relief and reconstruction.